Featured Area
Highlighted section for showcasing important or popular content.
What is the Featured Area in Circle
The Featured Area in Circle is a designated section where the most important or relevant content is highlighted. This area is typically used to showcase key discussions, announcements, or resources that the community managers want to draw attention to. The content placed in the Featured Area is often pinned or marked as featured by the community managers or moderators, making it easily accessible and visible to all members of the community. This helps in driving engagement and fostering interaction among the community members around the highlighted topics or resources.
How to customize the Featured Area in Circle?
To customize the Featured Area in Circle, you first need to navigate to the 'Space Settings' section. This can be found by clicking on the 'Settings' icon on the left-hand side of your Circle dashboard. Once you're in the 'Space Settings', you can find the 'Featured Area' section.
In the 'Featured Area' section, you can customize various aspects such as the title, description, and background image. You can also choose to feature specific posts or topics in this area. Simply click on the 'Add Featured Post' or 'Add Featured Topic' button and select the posts or topics you want to feature. Remember to click 'Save' once you're done to apply the changes.
What is the purpose of the Featured Area in Circle?
The Featured Area in Circle is designed to highlight specific content that the community manager or the team wants to draw attention to. This could include important announcements, updates, popular discussions, or any other content that is deemed valuable or relevant to the community. The Featured Area is typically placed at the top of the page, making it the first thing users see when they visit the community. This ensures that the featured content gets maximum visibility.
The purpose of this feature is to guide the community's focus and engagement towards specific topics or discussions. It can be used to drive conversations, encourage participation, or share important information. By featuring content, community managers can ensure that key messages or discussions are not missed by members. It also adds a level of organization and prioritization to the content within the community.
How to add or remove content from the Featured Area in Circle?
To add or remove content from the Featured Area in Circle, you first need to navigate to the specific space where you want to make changes. Once you're in the desired space, find the post or topic that you want to feature. Click on the '...' (more options) button next to the post or topic. From the dropdown menu, select 'Feature this post' to add the content to the Featured Area. The post or topic will now appear in the Featured Area of that specific space.
To remove content from the Featured Area, navigate to the space where the featured post or topic is located. Find the post or topic in the Featured Area and click on the '...' (more options) button next to it. From the dropdown menu, select 'Unfeature this post'. The post or topic will now be removed from the Featured Area. Remember, only admins and moderators have the ability to add or remove content from the Featured Area.
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