January 27, 2022
Product Newsletter - January 2022 Vol. 2

Normally we send out one product update per month. But this month we've shipped so much new stuff that there's no way we could fit it all into next month's.
So consider this January Updates - Volume 2. 🎤
Clip Selection

With clip selection you can search for any clip you've ever made and add it to a new video in a couple of clicks. Mix and match existing clips with recorded clips to create videos faster and be more creative.

Now you can search for videos from the overview. Great for finding a older videos you want to share or update. But it gets better. You can search through video transcripts, so even if you didn't name your video well you can look for it based on the things you said. Feels kinda like magic. 🪄

Ever prepare for a video by writing some notes in another app and pulling it up side-by-side with Tella? I do... a lot. But now I can ditch the other app and do it all in Tella. This week we added a little note pad that you can switch on in the recorder. It's great for jotting down speaking or presentation notes, so that you can nail your delivery.
Chrome Extension Performance

Last month we launched Tella for Chrome and this month we've given it a tune up. The latest version is faster and more stable. During the next week or so you'll also notice a little makeover to its user interface. Watch the video for a preview of the UI changes.